Monday, June 29, 2009


I woke up from an interesting dream this morning.
Where to start?
Well fundamentally it supports my conscious decision to file for divorce.
In the dream, I was as I am now married to my husband but my daugther was not mentioned and I had an urgent meeting/date to attend. I remember looking in my closet frantically trying to find some thing presentable to wear; and watching the clock on the wall practically spin out of control as it erratically changed from a digital to a traditional display of time.
I finally found something to wear; a black shear skirt with a black silk slip and a top to match. I also rember considering my wedding dress but pushed it aside when I was searching for an outfit in my closet. My wedding dress is more like the dress that I got married in; outside of the wedding there is nothing extraordinary about it. Then my outfit changed as I saw an image of a woman walking. My outfit morphed into hers like I wanted. The outfit was then a long black hooded cloak, elegant gloves that raised above the elbows and a form fitting dress that stopped above the knee. I had on some killer high heals too. The only colors that I remember are black, deep purple, and grey.

The part of the dream that stands out the most to me is the fact that the man I was going to meet was a guy from my Middle School days. He was the only guy that I remember treating me nicely or in a gentle way. I use to act so obnoxious back then but it was only because I did not know how to act around males and simply wanted their attention.
Out of all of the boys I remember he was truly the nicest. He never cursed at me or called me cruel names and always spoke to me in public but that ended once we reached high school. It was like I became invisible. We even had a biology class together in the 9th or 10th grade but he never spoke to me.
So, in the dream he was some sort of computer technician who needed to work on my computer and wanted to meet after work in order to talk about my computer. I only got so far as getting dressed and walking towards a restaurant table where he was sitting before the alarm clock went off.
It doesn't take much to pull these images apart and figure out what the dream is truly about; the wish that my heart can no longer bury inside of me.
Hopefully, next year will be a better year for me.

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