Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Addiction

So I've got a new addiction. It is a t.v. show on HBO and I can not get enough of it. Its called True Blood and it is based on a series of vampire books that I just may buy but I love the HBO series all the same. When I read other people's blogs about it they complain about how the series is not following the books so then maybe I wont buy the books but I will purchase the series once it is released on DVD. I'm assuming that HBO will release it because it seems so popular that many people (especially the ones with out cable and can only view glimpses from clips that are posted on YouTube). I enjoy vampire movies/shows but I have yet to read a book about one and I know that there are plenty to choose from. HBO has made it much simpler for my entertainment because it is one film. Also, there is a lot of buzz about a different series of books called Twilight and there seems to be a movie in the works that will be released in December. I can't wait to see that one as well. So, True Blood gives me something to look forward to during the week but it sucks because new episodes are on Sunday nights. I wish that they would move up the day so that I can watch it multiple times before having to go to work (I love having "On Demand" with Cox communication/cable). Any ways this show is a welcomed form of escapism. I love the characters and not just the main two but all of them, seem to be great and have story lines that pass too fast during the one hour program. It is amazing how fast an hour can fly when you're truly enjoying it. It is shows like these that make me want to learn how to act and or learn how to write a damn good novel/screen play.