Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Finished another animated series

I'm bummed out again.
I just finished watching episode 26; the final animated episode of the Ouran High School Host club. It was great too. SO dramatic but ending in a way that could be left as is or continued.
Yesterday while I was watching the series I laughed so hard that I was in tears because of episode 22 "Mori-senpai Has an Apprentice Wannabe."
Now, I'm going to have to find another series to follow. My husband gets so annoyed with the increased amount of time that I spend on the computer now due to watching anime. He use to have the computer all to himself to listen to music, play games - especially poker, and of course view porn. As soon as this depressing economic financial crisis is lifted and as soon as my husband is able to get steady work I will begin purchasing anime series starting with my favorite: Hellsing. Then of course Fruits Basket and Ouran High School Host Club. I'm sure that there will be many more as well because I am truly fixated on anime now, almost to the point where I want to go to Japan- as if the characters are real and actually live there. I hope that I'm not loosing it - my mind that is.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lover of Anime not manga

Okay, its official I like the Ouran High School Host Club anime series. I was actually watching episode 13 when I decided to write this. Episode 13 is inspired by an Alice in wonderland theme. Though I did try reading the book by Lewis Carroll in high school (it is so much different than my beloved Disney movie version) all I really remember is the kitchen scene with the Duchess and the cook and the cloud of black pepper. I actually stopped reading the book at that point because it was much too different than the movie. Silly girl, I didn't realize back then that the book was first.
Anyways, I know that I said that I would try viewing Gender Blue after viewing the last animated episode of Fruits Basket but I couldn't get in to it or in to Speed Grapher. I totally would have enjoyed Speed Grapher too if I had watched it directly after my taste of Hellsing or even after my introduction to the Vampire Knight anime series but I saw Fruits Basket instead. I can't believe that I initially did not want to watch it but by the fifth episode I was hooked and then by the time I got to the final episode #26 I didn't want it to end. It was, in my opinion getting even better at episode 26 when Tohru goes to the Soma household to ask Akito if she could continue living in the other house with Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo. All of this directly after she saw Kyo in his true form; up until that point I thought that the black and white beads that he wore on his left wrist were just an accessory. I was so bummed out when I realized that it is the final animated episode. The series continues in comic book strip/manga but it is very different from the animated version.
So, now I'm watching the Ouran High School Host Club and it is cracking me up it is so funny. The characters are all so overly dramatic, silly and there is plenty of cross dressing too. I've noticed that I seem to be attracted to anime that has rich people, a single gal surrounded by multiple guys (excluding Hellsing which has my favorite maniac Alucard around two females), and some sort of secret. Gee I wonder what my viewing interest say about me? What is it that I truly desire? Money/wealth is a definite given but what else is there?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Addiction leads to more

Addictions that are now interfering with my every day life are becoming more noticeable to me.
So my last post was about my obsession with the HBO series TRUE BLOOD. Well now I've found something that has possibly trumped that: Japanese manga/shojo/anime. OMG! I can't get enough of it. How did I stumble upon it? I was on Youtube lusting after another "Bill and Sookie" scene when I noticed a link to Hellsing. I watched all 13 episodes of Hellsing and still needed more. Then I found a different link to Vampire Knight and that is still in production and it is amazing. I just finished (on Sunday) watching all 50 episodes of Blood Plus which were posted on Google video. I'm ambivalent about it because some aspects of it I love (such as Hajji's devotion to Saya) but then at times the story kind of dragged especially when dealing with the other characters. So far, it is the longest animated series that I have watched and I only chose to watch it because it has 50 episodes unlike Hellsing which I really wish could have been much longer. I love that maniac character Alucard. I wish that I could speak and read Japanese just so I could find more. So I've been googling information about this genre of comics/animation to find more. I actually came across an old vampire anime that I had seen when I was a teenager and I honestly believe that it is the beginning of my interest in anime for me. It was actually made in 1985 and is called Vampire Hunter D. The sequel in full "Blood Thirst" was posted on google videos in English but the original one wasn't. It was so nice to find the name of it because I had totally forgotten about it. I may have to look in to Manga further so that I can actually buy these books and or DVDs (I would totally prefer the DVD versions). So, this is where I am at currently: a revised interest in Vampires and possible other Gothic literature/themes. Hopefully I will find even more.